LEGO® Creator Propeller Plane

LEGO® Creator Propeller Plane

Enjoy the nostalgic charm of this classic Propeller Plane, featuring a red, white and black color scheme, spinning propellers, retractable wheels and an opening cockpit with room for a minifigure (not included). This 3-in-1 LEGO® Creator model can be rebuilt to create a hydroplane or a helicopter for a treble build-and-play experience. Both alternative models can accommodate a minifigure (not included).

LEGO® Creator
Released: January 2016
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Store Price Delivery us Total Stock € 102.02 € 102.02 Visit € 102.02 € 102.02 Visit
Store Price Stock € 102.02 Visit € 102.02 Visit
LEGO® Creator Propeller Plane components